Average Concussion Settlement For a Car Accident

One of the most common injuries sustained from a car accident is a concussion. Due to the force of the impact, you are likely to hit the wheel with your head or shake/twist your neck hard enough to end up with a concussion. It is a traumatic brain injury, which can be serious and life-threatening in some situations. In the majority of situations, it is not life-threatening and is easily treated. If you ended up with a concussion after a car accident, you may still seek compensation. Here is how much you should look to get, after taking the following into consideration. Type of Concussion There are many different types of concussions. Basically, any injury to the brain that results from a bump or hitting your head is called a concussion. Depending on the force of the impact, you could end up getting a mild concussion or a serious one, which threatens additional brain injuries. Once damage to your brain has been done, the doctors will take a look at you and file a report. You w...