Does my Slip & Fall Injury Qualify for a Lawsuit?

Accidents happen on a daily basis. Sometimes, you just end up with a daily dose of embarrassment, but in other cases, you may end up getting hospitalized and with a life-changing condition.

One of the worst common accident that you may experience is a slip and fall accident. The injuries acquired by slipping and falling could include:

• Bruises
• Head injury
• Back injury
• Broken ribs
• Broken arms or legs
• Spinal injuries
• Death

Medical attention is mandatory right after sustaining the injury. The question that we get often is the following: “Does my injury qualify for a lawsuit?”
To be able to file a lawsuit for a slip and fall injury, you have to follow a certain procedure. Here are the things you have to do and prove in order to become eligible to file a successful lawsuit.

Los Angeles Slip and Fall Lawyers

Prove Negligence

The first thing that an attorney will advise you to do in this situation is to try and find out who is responsible for your accident. In some part of your brain you may hear a voice saying “it is my fault”, but as long as you don’t listen to it, you will be on a safe path towards filing a lawsuit.

Understanding what negligence is will greatly help you with the case. Basically, if there is any factor that contributed to your accident, you may find a person responsible for it.

• Did the Hazardous Condition exist long enough? If the weather created obstacles or a slippery terrain, and the property owner didn’t do anything to prevent or remove the obstacles, he or she may be held responsible for your accident.

• Did the property owner perform a routine check of the property? If so, is there a video or written log of the checkup? Any such record will help you determine who is at fault and who is to be held responsible for your accident.

• If safety measures were applied, would the risk of an accident have been reduced?

• Was the area affected by poor lighting or limited visibility?

All of these factors will help you determine whether or not the property owner is responsible for your accident. Contact our Los Angeles Slip and Fall Lawyers and let them help you get to the bottom of this situation.

You Are Responsible

The property owner and his/her insurance company will immediately counter you, by saying that you are completely (or partially) responsible for causing the accident. If found to bear any degree of responsibility, depending on the percentage, your total compensation will be reduced for that amount.

However, if you manage to prove that the other party’s negligence or poor maintenance of the property caused your accident, you will be able to file a lawsuit and receive compensation for your injuries, as well as medical costs. Speak with Personal Injury Attorneys in Los Angeles today, and have them help you evaluate your case and determine its full worth. Only then will you know what to expect.

Schedule a free consultation and get a better understanding of the legal issues surrounding the accident


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