Injured In Car Accidents Due To Reckless Driving? Causes and Prevention Tips
One of the main causes of a car accident is reckless driving. Every day, there are thousands of injured individuals across the U.S., all victims of reckless driving.
In every state, reckless driving is considered to be a traffic violation and is punishable by law, even if no accident resulted from it.
Fortunately, reckless driving can be prevented. If you recognize someone else’s reckless driving on the road, you can either:
- Call the police and inform them (the best option)
- Pull over and let them get ahead, or
- Slow down and let them pass you
Tailgating Resulting in Fender Bender
If you are on the road, it is important to keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you. If you get too close, you may not have enough time to reach if the vehicle in front of you suddenly stops. However, if someone else is driving behind you and they are right next to you, you may be facing a reckless driver whose lack of attention can ruin your day and cause you stress and even an injury. It is very important to act immediately and switch lanes (if possible) or pull over to let them pass. As annoying as they may be, there is nothing else that you can do that will guarantee you that the other vehicle won’t crash into your vehicle.
If you find yourself in such an accident, Los Angeles Auto Accident Lawyers will gladly help you file a lawsuit against the person who tailgated you and help you get compensated for all the damages you sustained.
Another common type of reckless driving is excessive speeding. Every day, regardless of where you are going, there is always at least one vehicle speeding and not respecting the speed limit. The chances are that this vehicle will in some way affect you, whether it is passing by or putting pressure on you to let them pass you. This will create an unnecessary distraction which could lead to a car accident, as you won’t be able to focus on the road ahead due to being put under constant pressure.
If you see a person speeding excessively, you can always call the police or let a street patrol (if you encounter one) of what is going on. Any information on the speeding vehicle will additionally help the police identify and remove the driver from the streets.
Cars have signals for a reason. Not using them properly to switch lanes can and most likely will lead to an accident. When that happens, you should immediately call Personal Injury Attorneys in Los Angeles and have them help you obtain the compensation you deserve for your damages.
Be sure to use proper signalization when switching lanes, and let other drivers know of your movement on the road.
Other common types of reckless driving are:
- Driving under the influence
- Braking suddenly
- Failing to stop at red lights or stop signs
- Failure to use headlights in the rain or at night
- Making illegal turns or lane changing
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