Bicyclist Injured in Los Angeles Car Crash

Are you tired of commuting by a bus or a train? Do you prefer your bicycle over your own car? As someone who travels to work or other places every day using a bicycle, you should be aware of the dangers posed by the traffic.

Did you know that on average, there are around 2,500 bicycle accidents every year in Los Angeles? Roughly 6% of them end up paying the ultimate price.

If you got injured in a bicycle accident, what do you do? Do you have any rights, and who should you talk to? Here are a few answers to your questions.

Cyclists in California

Cars pose a serious threat to cyclists on the streets of Los Angeles. In 2013, California was rated as the most dangerous state for cyclists. But why is it so? Here are some of the reasons why:
  • Poor road conditions
  • Too many cars on the road
  • Jammed traffic
  • Non-stop rush hour

Los Angeles has an annual budget of $25 million to repair the damaged roads. Even so, these are among the most dangerous roads for a cyclist, and one of the main reasons there are so many bicycle accidents every year.

Hit By A Car?

If you are cycling every day, the chances are that you are going to find yourself involved in an accident. If you ever get hit by a car, you should do the following:
  • Check yourself for injuries

  • Contact an ambulance

  • See if you can help anyone injured in the car

  • Call the police and wait for them to arrive on the scene

  • Don’t move your bicycle from the scene

  • Seek witnesses and take their personal information (contact, name)

  • Explain to the police (in detail) what happened, how it happened and request a copy of a police repor
Once you have done everything from the list above, you should have a solid foundation for your compensation claim. Just like any other car accident, you are entitled to receive a compensation for the injuries sustained and the damages done to both you and your bicycle.

Speak with Car Accident Attorneys in Los Angeles, schedule your initial free consultation and learn what you have to do in order to receive the maximum compensation possible.
Most Cyclists ends up in a car accident for the following reasons:
  • Potholes
  • Poorly designed bike lanes
  • Cracked pavement
  • Substandard road surfaces
  • Construction defects
  • Other driver’s negligence

Contact An Attorney Immediately

You have every right to seek the rightful compensation for all the injuries you sustained. In addition to pain and suffering, medical costs and inability to work, you will also be able to receive compensation for any future and past lost wages and damages done to your bicycle.

Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyers are at your disposal. As long as a car is involved in the accident, you should get in touch with them and seek their legal guidance. Perhaps you are eligible for more than just one compensation. Learn more about it and find out everything you need to know through your free consultation. We will be expecting your call.


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