Auto Accident: Causes And Statistics

Car accidents happen on a daily basis. All it takes is one mistake, one distraction and people’s lives are on the line. If you live in Los Angeles, you know the dangers of driving around the city. There are several deadly intersections where accidents happen almost every day and as a driver or a pedestrian , you should be aware of them. Many things can cause a car accident. Listed below are some of the main causes, and the statistics around those causes. Drunk Driving In 2017, almost 32 percent of all car accidents were caused by drunk driving. Even though it may seem impossible, drunk driving is responsible for taking over 25,000 lives. Combining alcohol with driving has deadly results. Your mind will feel confident enough to drive, but your reflexes, impaired vision and no sense of your surroundings will cause you to make rookie mistakes, and end up in a car accident. The best way to avoid this is to take a cab or call someone to pick you up once you are done partying....